Tuesday, November 27, 2012


there - talking about a place
I'm going to go there tomorrow.
It's over there.

their - belonging to a person (his/her)
Their house is beautiful.
Their mum is strict.

they're - they are - talking about people
They're going to the beach tomorrow.
They're being really silly.

1. Noun = a thing, name or place


2. Adjective = describes a noun


3. Verb = a doing word


4. Adverb = describes a verb


5. Infinitive = these are verbs which start with 'to'
to run
to jump
to sit
to eat

In French and Spanish these are the words which you will find in the dictionary that haven't already been conjugated
jouer - to play
manger - to eat
boire - to drink
aller - to go

bailar - to dance
comer - to eat
cantar - to sing
ir - to go
estudiar - to study

6. Present tense = something that is happening now or that happens in general
I am going to the shop/I go to the shop every day

7. Past tense = this is something which has already happened
I went to the shop.
I used to go to the shop.

8. Future tense = something which is going to (will) happen
I am going to go to the shop (don't confuse this with 'I am going to the shop').
I will go to the shop.

Adjective agreements

In Spanish adjectives change their endings according to the gender and quantity of the words they are describing.

1. If an adjective ends in o (the singular masculine form) you have to add an s to make it plural.

un perro negro - a black dog
unos perros negros - some black dogs

perro - masculine
perros - masculine plural

If the word you are describing is feminine (with una or la) you have to change the o to an a

la corbata blanca - the white tie

Or add as if it is feminine plural (with unas or las)

las corbatas blancas - the white ties

corbata - feminine
corbatas - feminine plural

2. If the adjective ends in an e (interesante, inteligente) then it stays the same for both masculine and feminine.

Mi hermano es inteligente. - My brother is intelligent.
Mi hermana es inteligente. - My sister is intelligent.

However if it is plural you have to add an s.
Mis hermanos son inteligentes.

Use this table to help you:

                            Masculine               Feminine           Masculine plural       Feminine plural  
  Pronoun:               el/un                 la/una                       los/unos                        las/unas
  Ending:                      o                            a                               os                                   as
  Ending:                      e                            e                               es                                   es

Here is a funny music video which might help you understand:

Here is a game to help you practise: CLICK HERE

Hope this was useful. If you're still confused just ask!

Miss Morgan